Meditations with Essential Oils

Meditation is an opportunity to tune in to the frequency of your unique self through calming your mind and merging with your energies. The practice of meditation plays a very important role in personal evolution and transformation.

You can start practicing meditation with a simple exercise: completely relaxing your body and observing your breathing for 10-15 minutes. After a couple of weeks of regularly doing this exercise, you can feel a completely new level of contact with yourself and the perception of your inner world.

Using essential oils for meditation allows you to further raise your vibrations and come to a state of harmony.

What are chakras?

In addition to the physical body, each person has their own energy system, which manifests itself through energy centers called “chakras”. From ancient Sanskrit “chakra” is translated as a “wheel”. There are 7 main chakras in the body, which are in charge of our vitality: our energies “spin” like a wheel in each chakra supporting vital activity at all levels. If for some reason there is a lack or blockage of energy in chakras, both our physical and emotional well-being are affected.

The pure and natural essential oils can be of great help in balancing the energy in chakras through meditation. How exactly to do that? Please check out two simple techniques in the videos below. Enjoy!

Inhaling Technique
Vibrational Touch Technique

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