Why opt for natural and organic skincare?

In 2018, the value of the worldwide organic and natural beauty market reached $13.2 billion and is predicted to reach $54 billion by 2027. Often times the terms “natural” and “organic” are used interchangeably, which is not quite correct. So let us define the terms to avoid confusion:

  • natural” means the ingredients of the product come from plant, mineral or animal by-product (milk or eggs), but it does not necessarily mean that chemicals were not used during farming or processing;
  • organic” refers to ingredients grown and prepared without the use of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics and chemical fertilizers. 

According to research, the two most popular products in the organic skincare industry are face cream and body lotion. Why do we see the trend in natural and chemical-free products becoming more and more popular? There are several reasons for that.

  1. The rise of health and fitness movement promoted greater interest in the ingredients of the skincare products: people started to care not only about what they put INTO their bodies, but ON their bodies as well. The following toxic ingredients are still widely used in skincare today: synthetic fragrances (which can cause skin and respiratory irritation); synthetic colouring derived from coal tar (the research has shown the increased risk of cancer); phthalates used as plasticizers and solvents in fragrances, nail polish, hair products and skin lotions (risk of endometriosis, reproductive and fertility abnormalities); parabens used as preservatives (increased risk of cancer).
  2. Increased awareness of nature protection lead to more consumption of ecologically friendly products.
  3. Further development of technology, Internet and e-commerce allowed for greater access to information and for promoting of “clean beauty” through social media.
  4. All of the above lead to an increase of more informed and educated consumers who choose ethical and natural ingredients over hard-to-understand chemicals written on the labels.
  5. With more customers becoming more socially and environmentally responsible, buying from local small businesses is proving to be another good cause many people choose to support.

If you are interested in natural and organic skincare for yourself and/or your family members, we invite you to explore the all-natural aromatherapy products by Lena Vito, handmade with love. Please visit our Customized Aromatherapy Products or our online Shop to learn more.

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